Our Committee
A standing ovation please for the following legends who help Gippsland Intrepid Landcare get s**t done!
General Committee Members
Position Descriptions
All of our committee attend four meetings a year, come up with ideas for events, assist with designing, running, supporting and managing events, write grants and contribute to discussion and the general good vibes around the running of GIL.
Plus specific descriptions include:
AKA the “Top Dog.” Responsible for
chairing our committee meetings (and creating the agenda)
guiding the direction of the group
being the chief liaison with other groups and the media.
AKA the “Slightly Smaller Top Dog.” Responsible for:
stepping in and supporting the Chair if they are unable to guide meetings (likely because they have won Tattslotto and have jetted to the Caribbean) or do other chair like things.
AKA the “Beancounter.” Responsible for:
managing our bank account
ensuring grant funds are acquitted correctly
providing a financial update at our meetings
managing our membership list in order to pay our yearly insurance fee to LVI.
AKA the “Hero.” Responsible for:
writing meeting minutes
managing memberships as they come in
writing emails to our members
managing the GIL email account
Social Media Manager
AKA the “Mark Zuckerberg.” Responsible for:
managing our Facebook and Instagram accounts
creating new content
sharing appropriate posts
creating events as required
General Members
AKA the “Helper-Outers.” Responsible for a range of different parts of the group including:
managing the website
coming up with ideas for events, designing, running, supporting and managing events
applying for grants
being generally extremely helpful and kind to the rest of committee as required